24A Guide to "Effective" Ministry in the Post Truth Era.
Gone are the days when Pastoral Ministry was a sacred bond
between shepherds and their flock. In this new era, the title of
"Pastor" no longer embodies the essence of a caring, nurturing, and
selfless shepherd like Jesus Christ himself. It has evolved into something more
akin to a CEO of a nonprofit organization, leading masses of people.
The measure of your success lies in exponential growth. It
is a tangible sign of your ministry's effectiveness. To achieve this, you must
adopt an empirical and up-to-date strategy. Think of your small groups as
powerful marketing tools, attracting and enlisting new members into your
church. Yes, spiritual enlightenment is important, but let us not forget that
emotional appeals and relatable Bible study guides can work wonders. They are
like a seasoning that entices even the most skeptical souls.
Pastoral care is commendable, but can you truly quantify its
results? Instead, focus your energy on the influential individuals in your
congregation, those who contribute generously. Share lunches and intimate
conversations with them, while providing a mere token gesture of compassion to
the less fortunate. Remember, not all souls are equal in the church's
Crafting a magnetic persona is imperative for your journey
toward effective ministry. Cultivate a trendy physical appearance, and master
the art of captivating speech, using intellectually stimulating language. Pause
for a moment and reflect: How will you attract the crème de la crème of society
if you present yourself as ordinary? Dare to be extraordinary!
Empower your media team to harness the power of social
media. They should possess the knowledge and skills to make you, the chosen
vessel of God, a prominent figure. If you wish to make a genuine impact, you
must first be known. This is the most effective path to influence and
As the visionary CEO of your church, dreaming and
implementing innovative programs should be your passion. While fellowship is
undoubtedly valuable, envision a church that ventures beyond its walls. Imagine
mountain hikes, transformative mission trips – a church that boldly goes where
others dare not tread. Yes, praying, fasting, and visiting the sick are
honorable acts, but let us not lose sight of the grander vision. Inviting
non-Christians to a hiking session may prove more fruitful than a conventional
revival service. Choose wisely.
Beware of falling into the trap of perceiving yourself as a
moral leader. In your preaching ministry, focus on how your congregants react
to your sermons. Leave the convicting to the Holy Spirit, for His understanding
surpasses your own. Your role is not to call out sin or dictate actions as if
you were crucified for them. Instead, prioritize making your congregation feel
good, for their emotions matter more than anything else. Exploit this advantage
for the greater good.
Having reached the end of this guide, I hope you recognize
the devastating flaws of a model that is increasingly becoming the norm. This
distorted approach arises from neglecting the sacred scriptures. Pastoral
ministry has deviated from its biblical expectations and assumed a form that is
unrecognizable. You may think this model achieves great things and I don’t
disagree with you, my question is this “Will you allow your pastoral ministry
to be defined by the world and its systems or you will ground it the
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