Kwizera Samuel

Kwizera Samuel

Be Transformed by the Renewal

Kwizera Samuel

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ

Kwizera Samuel

My Biography

Kwizera Samuel is currently serving as the Youth Pastor in New Life Bible Church Kigali where passionately serves young minds by challenging, mentoring, and inspiring them to live purposeful lives to the Glory of God.  Besides his pastoral role, Samuel is involved in everything from creative writing to project plans, teaching theology, Hiking, congregational worship, preaching, and pastoral training.

His writings often explore themes of reflections from his journey in ministry, Christian apologetic, the Bible, and its influence in shaping in our lives. Through his words, Samuel inspires others to reflect deeply on their beliefs and pursue lives of purpose and meaning. His multifaceted contributions to both his community and the literary world make him a valued leader and creative


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