The Enemy’s Lies and God’s Truth: Finding Freedom in His Provision

On my way from preaching through Genesis 3:1-10, the driver taking me back to my place said to me “Pastor, in this sermon there is something I took for myself”. I turned to hear the deepest part of my sermon I had never thought through.

He said, “When you said that the garden had many fruits, but the devil made them care about the only forbidden one, it reminded me of how sometimes the devils show us what we don’t have or restricted from and makes us forget what we already have”.

Let me be honest with you, that dropped deeper than I thought. It occurred to me that indeed the garden was filled with many fruits of many kinds. Look how many changes the devil adds to the words of God.


“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die” Genesis 2:16-17

The Devil

Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? Genesis 3:1


“You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die” Genesis 3: 2.

Don’t be in a rush my friend read again and see how many changes a happening from God’s words.

Nothing the devil or Eve says about the freedom that comes from the abundance of many trees and fruits in the garden. All the focus is on that which is out of bounds. Look at the words of the devil “you must not eat any fruit” Really?

Did the devil think they were going to starve in the garden? Of course, not but his focus is to point Eve to the scarcity of God’s Blessing and make promises of which he can never deliver. Unfortunately, Eve had her spin on God’s command. As in when God ever said you shall “not touch the fruit”.

Sometimes the devil sows in us doubts to the extent that we extrapolate God’s truth. We find ourselves magnifying what God has forbidden us from and only making small all his blessings and trampling down the marvelous wonders of his providence in our lives.

How many times have you found yourself concentrating on what God has not given you instead of what he has provided? In such a state it’s easier to count the unanswered prayers as reminders of God’s signs of indifference or hate towards you.

If you don't mind pray this prayer with me

 Lord, I hold on to these truths as I come before You in Prayer:

- You are a good God, and You give what is truly good to Your children, including me.

- The enemy tries to deceive me with lies and empty arguments, pointing me to the forbidden, as if I’m lacking in a garden of abundance. But You, Lord, are my Shepherd; I shall not want.

- I am complete in Your love and providence, far beyond the empty promises the evil one highlights.

- If You did not withhold Your own Son, I trust that You will provide what the world cannot.

- Even in moments of lack, I am fully convinced that You are using it to shape me into the image of Your Son.


(5) comments

Janvier Ndikubakuru

Very challenging and edifying. Thank you very much


Ameeeeen! This is really true, the evil one shifts our mind to focus on a different perspective which is indeed against the Lord.

Amen 🙏 pastor. It really helped me. God bless you

Ann Katagwa

What an observation from the driver!! The devil and his craftness!! You see, he had to get it right- his first mission on earth had to be successful because he knew the consequences were generational. He had tried in Heaven but failed-and didn’t give up. Tried again on earth and succeeded but good news-Christ’s work on the cross still left him a miserable failure📍. I think Easter makes him dizzy. The resurrection is a knockout-the seed of a woman crushed his head💃🏼🕺💃🏼🕺💃🏼.


I think easter makes him dizzy too.

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