24When God weaves a Man
When God weaves a man,
He uproots him from the perishing,
Bundles him with the saints.
Beats the world out of him,
Dries him in the Sun to teach him patience.
When God weaves a man,
He pulls each thread of his faith taut,
Twists every strand of his ego into submission,
Snips the frayed edges of his independence.
When God weaves a man, He spares nothing.
When God weaves a man,
He colors him for his with pleasure,
Weaves in his weaknesses, adorns him with his grace,
Brushes away fears, strengthens him with courage.
When God weaves a man, He spares nothing.
When God completes His tapestry,
He unveils the Gospel and its patterns displayed on this man,
When God weaves a man
He truly becomes a master piece.
(1) comments
This is good